Sunday, October 26, 2014

La Puerta a Marruecos

La puerta a Marruecos 

Hola Hola Hola,

I have so much to contaros! The past week has been inolvidable. To start I’ve got to tell you all the Joys of Marruecos. Fuimos a Chefchaouen, Asillah y Tangier. Esos tres ciudades fueron impersionantes.

Chefchaouen, “The Blue City” or Chaouen as the Moroccans call it was our first venture and I will never forget the beauty I encountered there. Chefcahouen is situated in the mountainous area of Morocco and is breathtaking! (Fun Fact; my absolute favorite color in the entire world is blue) Moving on Chefchaouen was covered in blue! The city is painted blue for traditon and has been for years. The city is painted every year before the spring comes to help yield off mosquitos and bugs! I think its time we paint everything blue in the states…bye bye mosquitos! Chefchaouen is full of life and the food was so amazing! Speaking of food all of our meals were covered in our package and thank goodness because we were given the best of the best when it came to food!

I was enjoying Chaouen so much that I even touched one of the many cats I found sunbathing around the city. Fun Fact: My awesome tour guide Javi told me that animals are not allowed as pets in the homes in chaouen for religious/praying purposes. They pray five times a day here and animals inside would create a filth not suitable for prayer. Also they believe cats to be far more cleanly than dogs, and for that reason you see me petting a cat instead of a cute puppy. 
Thanks Javi for all of your knowledge =] Vuestras guias made this trip inolvidable and were so knowledgeable and helpful. 

Assilah was a long drive, but it was worth it! Its located on the northwest coast and meets the Atlantic ocean. Que vista mas extraordinaria. Tambien en asilah hay arte por todas partes. Assilah has an art festival in which the winners place their art on the walls of the Medina all around the city! The large scale art reminds me of the arte that has been popping up around Richmond within the last few years. It’s much less like graffiti and much more like building sized art meant for galleries! I think I wanted a picture with every piece of artwork I found.




While in Tangier we stayed in a hotel called La Paloma and it was beautiful! Our second night of dinner there came deliciously served, and with a dinner show! These guys were quite the charmers, they danced and made music, and even did tricks with fire! Que guay! Lo mas quay fue montando en las camellos. I also became the queen of henna while visiting Chaouen and Assilah!


Last tidbit! While in Assilah I found these adorable children and had a refreshing few moments playing with them. They were making gimp bracelets...which was one of my favorite childhood pastimes. Its amazing how trends travel! We couldnt understand a single word spoken amongst us but I was more than thrilled to simply be spending time with children... I Miss My Siblings =(

Que experiencia, nunca olvidara mi viaje a marruecos!

<3 Besos y Abrazos

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